Mike Kear wrote:
... The top navigation menu
sits where it's supposed to in Firefox (the bottom of the menu should touch the top of the white 'content' area) but in IE it's about 20pixels higher. ... http://staging.atalkingdog.com/goArticle.cfm?pid=799713

hx has preassigned margins,

* html #header h1 {margin-bottom:0;}
would be a specific rule for IE only.

Don't know if it's a problem with uncollapsing margins or not (see W3C CSS2.1 8.3.1)

The star html hack is used to hide the rule from compliant browsers (where there is nothing above html).

You should hide the dimensional bug fix for IE in #content for other browsers too, not only for IE5-mac, so

/* hide from IE5-mac \*/

* html #content{ height:1%;}

/* end hide */

See the description of the Holly Hack in

There are some issues with clearing floats on your page, see:

Regards Ingo

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