On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 07:06:21 +0100, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  If your code is compliant then just about every browser out there will be 
> able to generate 
> it with a 90% accuracy regarding design and 100% accuracy regarding content.

What kind of make believe web do you design for? Every day I deal with
horribly incorrect (according to spec) rendering across all but the
latest of browsers -- and before you respond, I can assure you the
code in question is clean as driven snow (well, valid at least :p).

Unless your '90% of browsers' refers to the browsers used by 90% of
your traffic and not 90% of the browsers available (of which there are
over 30 semi-common ones, to my knowledge) then I think you may just
be opening a can of worms purely for the sake of it.

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