On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 10:03, John Allsopp wrote:
> Chris,
> http://news.com.com/Reversal+Next+IE+update+divorced+from+Windows/2100-1032_3-5577263.html
>         Good news for web standards?
> Being the eternal naysayer that I am, I'll say, um, nay.
> Why?
> From the article linked, this quote from a ms spokesperson
> Microsoft's Nash declined to shed anylight on the question of features
> in the IE update, restricting hiscomments to planned security
> enhancements such as better defensesagainst phishing scams and
> improved spyware protection.
> "Right now, the focus is security," Nash said. "There may be
> otherthings that are in there, but the goal is on security."
> IE 6 buggy rendering engine it is then.
> Sigh

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise   At least at this time point in
time the quirks in IE are well documented and can be handled.  Who knows
what new bugs^H^H^H^H interpretations of the standards IE7 would

Also it should be noted that IE7 will only be for Longhorn and XP SP2.
Older IE browsers will be with us for a while yet....or more people will
move to alternatives.

Bruce Morrison
designIT http://www.designit.com.au

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