I realise that many people have already responded.
Sorry for the echo. I'm not in the CSS working group, but
I do work for W3C.

On 17 Feb 2005, at 10:31, David R wrote:

Just out of curiosity...

Is the CSS3.0 Spec finalised, or are they still accepting suggestions and comments?

I'm not sure there will ever be a CSS 3.0 spec. Rather, CSS 3 (the technology) consists of a number of modules. Some modules are further along the standardisation process than others. I'm also not sure that the CSS WG have ruled out adding new modules or removing existing ones (for a good reason of course :). Maybe once all the modules are W3C Recommendations, there will be a proclamation that CSS 3 exists.

Are we still accepting comments? Yes. We accept comments at any time in the process. Some Web Essentials 04 attendees may remember somewhere during one of my incomprehensible rants I mentioned that the phases "Last Call" and "Candidate Recommendation" are very important because there is an obligation for the W3C to respond to every comment (no matter from where it comes). Most Working Groups try to respond to all comments all the time, but that can be very time consuming (especially for a popular tech like CSS).

So please, send in your comments. On anything W3C-related.

In my perfect world, you'd all feel as if you are part of W3C. You already have a huge influence on the work, even though you may not be the ones sitting around a table and fighting.

Because I really want to suggest "multiple background images" for CSS3.0 (provided it isn't suggested already)

Multiple people have pointed at yesterday's draft which has this feature.

[Aside: My personal opinion, as someone who is more graphics oriented, is that this solution still needs work]

Where do I find the "Suggestion Box" for the W3C? ;)



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