On 22 Feb 2005, at 21:07, Patrick Lauke wrote:

Dean Jackson
I don't think it's beyond the scope of the W3C. We're
constantly looking
at technologies like XUL. Do people see the need for standardisation
in this area?

I'd welcome some standardisation, but as John Allsopp already mentioned,
MS went the XAML route...so once again, any standardisation work done on the
XUL end will only mirror, or run in parallel to, the MS way.

XUL is a much smaller technology than XAML. It's so much smaller that I doubt it will mirror the MS route. It also isn't really a competitor to XAML. It's the combination of technologies (XUL, XBL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SVG, etc) that provide an Open alternative. The good news is that enough of this platform exists today, enabling a bunch of fantastic Web Applications. It is also an evolutionary approach.

The only saving grace (although I'm not sure of the practicality) would
be that both XUL and XAML are XML based, and could - in theory anyway -
be transformed from one to the other in a hopefully straightforward way.

XAML is an XML serialisation of the Windows object hierarchy (which you could think of as the Win32 or .NET API). This isn't strictly true, but I think it's close enough to make the point, which is......

Basically, XAML is tied to Windows. It is conceivable that you could
implement XAML on another platform, just as the Mono project is
implementing .NET. However, some pieces of the technology will be
extremely hard to replicate, and some may be covered by patents.

There's also the code embedded in XAML files (e.g. C# or ASP) that
is (typically) Windows specific.

Therefore, I doubt you'll be using the fact that both are XML to
transform between one and the other. I know of people that have
transformed between XAML and other formats, but this is mostly
for static images, not applications. As always though, I certainly
could be wrong!

dean jackson
world wide web consortium (w3c) - http://www.w3.org/

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