> I'm wondering if any of you have any tips on creative ways to keep
> spambots from harvesting email addresses on you page, and still keep
> then accessable to diabled people and text-browsers.  Here's my thoughts

If you only need to protect a small number of email addresses, there's
another approach: throwaway email addresses.

I use www.sneakemail.com email addresses on various sites (not to
mention email lists with public archives)... when an email address
gets too much spam, I just kill it off. The real email addresses are
never visible, so they can't be harvested.

For the user, the only downside is the email address looks a bit odd.
It's not suitable for long-term contacts, but then it shouldn't need
to be used more than a couple of times before that relationship is

Of course you can protect the email address using encoding tricks and
forms, etc; it still makes a good fallback position to be able to get
rid of the email address.

Just a thought, anyway :)


--- <http://cheshrkat.blogspot.com/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
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