Rachel Campbell wrote:
I have a problem with IE at small window size (640 x 480) when the content of the page gets shunted underneath the menu bar on the left.
You should be able to see it happening on http://actemp.sipu.apu.ac.uk/timetabling/camb/ttindex.phtml

A large enough negative back margin on div#leftcolumn will keep IE/win from pushing down the main content.

However, IE/win will then also need to display the rest of the page like
other browsers do, so you need to set height: auto on div#leftcolumn, or
else the footer will jump around.

You also need to feed IE/win with a new "HasLayout" trigger.

The total fix:
div#leftcolumn {margin-right: -163px; height: auto}
@media all {
* html div#wrapper2 {height: 0;}

Your page is now close to identical in Opera, Firefox and IE6.

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