> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of David Laakso
> And then along comes a *nit-picking bozzo,* still on the back of 
> the bus,  
> with XP_SP2, who finds that:

Nit-picking is good. It helps me build better sites. Hopefully I can fix the
problems. :)

> the fonts are much too small, that they go a little goofy on zoom in IE,  

Hmm... well, I run Win2k here, not XP, and I'm not sure what the differences
are. The font sizes here when I'm running at my normal mode (IE's default
font sizing in a 1024x768 screen) are a nice size for reading. I hadn't
realised that XP might show it different... Or have you just got your set on
tiny fonts? I've included here a couple of links to screenshots I made of
the page, and I'd be interested to know if this is any different from what
you're seeing:

Mozilla: http://www.onehouseproductions.com/temp/screen_moz.jpg
IE6: http://www.onehouseproductions.com/temp/screen_ie.jpg

Is that a great deal larger than what you get? And I'm not entirely sure
what you mean about them going goofy on zoom. What happens exactly?

> that the layout breaks on zoom in IE accessibility mode, and that 

Which part of the layout? And how badly? Any chance you could send me some
screenshots off list? Best email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the moment.

> there's  
> no available horizontal navigation available when images are disabled in  
> FF, or Opera. 

Really? Hmm... confuzzled now. I would have thought that even with images
off the text would still be available since the actual links in the
navigation are just text. Any suggestions about how I can fix this?

>And it's a long, long, scroll to get to the content in Lynx.

That's true. I'm not sure how else to manage it though. What are the
disadvantages of absolutely positioning the content block so that I can have
it first in the source?

Also, you may notice that in the IE screenshot above, there's a white space
between the top bar with the navigation and the next bar with the banner. I
can't figure out how to make it go away. If anyone has any suggestions, it
would be greatly appreciated.

Once again, site is at:



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