The navigation looks pretty good; started laying out a concept, still
a fair bit to do however and will have a go finishing off when I can
over the next few days.

Am shattered so enough said.


On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 09:18:18 +1100, Peter Ottery
> so I've designed myself a nice looking navigation scheme that displays
> visually whereabouts you are within a site. 
> Now I just need to work out how to sort out the css :) 
> Here's what I want it to look like: 
> I'm *not* after any dynamic or popout (suckerfish [1]) type functions. 
> Essentially the tricky bit is going to be the light red lines/arrows and
> working out how to get them in the right spot. ie: so they'll adjust to line
> up with the section you are in. 
> There's also going to be content below this navigation, so if one of the
> lists grew really long it should push down the content (ie: may rule out
> absolute positioning) 
> Wondering if anyone has some immediate ideas or even has a similar
> example..? 
> Ideally I'd imagine the html should look something like this: 
> <ul id="nav"> 
> <li class="active">By Expertise 
>     <ul> 
>     <li class="active">Architecture 
>         <ul> 
>         <li>WoodCentre</li> 
>         <li>250 Latin Street</li> 
>         <li>El Changeo</li> 
>         <li>2 Changed Ave</li> 
>         <li>Changewood Facilities</li> 
>         <li class="active">Active Project</li> 
>         <li>Park in Perth</li>! 
>         <li>11 Smith Street</li> 
>         <li>58 &amp; 88 Changed St</li> 
>         </ul> 
>     </li> 
>     <li>Interior Design</li> 
>     <li>Urban + landscape design</li> 
>     <li>Heritage conservation</li> 
>     <li>Consulting</li> 
>     </ul> 
> </li> 
> <li>By Location</li> 
> <li>Archive</li> 
> </ul> 
> any thoughts or help appreciated, 
> pete 
> [1] - 

Dave O'Brien

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