I've just amended the CSS again for this site, thanks to the feedback from John and Barry, and I wondered whether they, or anyone else could take another quick look at the areas specified in the original message...?

It seems that adding little more than a 'position:absolute' declaration to the problem containers cured it (at least, as far as I can tell with Browsercam)



Stuart Homfray wrote:
... I have tested the site with the usual PC browsers (IE4, IE5, IE5.5, IE6, Firefox, Opera 7, even NN4.7) and I'm reasonably happy, and I've looked at the layout using Browsercam for Safari, IE5.2, Konqueror and Opera 6 and (aside from a bit of trouble in Opera 6) ...

The two areas that need checking are the 'VIEW COACHES' open/close menu toggle link, and, the 'see example' 'pop-up' help on 'Information' label in the small form at the bottom of the coach pages (the Jimmy Hogan/William Townley/Jack Reynolds pages). I've taken a couple of screen grabs of what they're SUPPOSED to look like as a comparison - see:

menu: <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/menu_beforeAfter.gif>
coach page info rollover: <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/coachespage.png>

The site url is <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/> - if you feel it would be better to contact me directly, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED], and if you feel the need to give anything on there a 'good kicking' in public - maybe the use of an inline style on the toggle link (Opera seems to demand it in order to work correctly) or the use of a clearing <div> (IE needs one, so using the excellent Easy Clearing float at P.I.E. seemed a bit pointless) - I'm more than happy to take it!

-- ======================================= ============================= El Bombin http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk ======================== Stuart Homfray http://www.stuarthomfray.co.uk ======================================= ****************************************************** The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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