Gene Falck wrote:
Hi Erik,

Which is about what I was suspecting--its one thing
to give the user agent an entity when what you want
is a text rendering of a character and quite another
to use an entity where the program must treat it as
part of your coding. BTW, do you see any difference
in this matter between & and &?


Gene Falck

I thought that I had successfully used < as a comparison in a javascript before, but of course, now I can't find where I did that. I would have thought that & would behave exactly as &, but thought it might be an interesting avenue to explore...

I tend to have all of my javascript in external files which is the other way to make sure that this doesn't happen.

A very interesting note, however. I did some testing and found that while this failed validation:


this did *not* fail:

  if(document.getElementById && screen.width > 1000)

and I tried that code in various documents: HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 trans, XHTML 1.0 Strict and XHTML 1.1 Strict... all passed.

It seems that the validator only really complains when & and > are butted up against other characters that aren't part of character entities and tags, respectively.

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