
i'm not sure if this is the right place to pose my question, but i'll dare it. if my question is unwanted on the list, i apologise, maybe someone can reply in private?

i have a page from which i'd like to pop-up a window with more details upon clicking a hyperlink. the javascript i'm using is:

<a href="#" onClick="javascript:window.open('therapeuten/barkow-lewinsky.html','Barkow-Lewinsky, Eva','width=450,height=200,left=150,top=150');">Barkow-Lewinsky, Eva</a>

this works fine in the Fox and Opera, but IE6 says i've got an "invalid argument" in my javascript in the line where the link is.

besides asking for advice on how to fix this, i'd be glad to hear alternative approaches, too.


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