> 2. I have used a modification of one of Russ' tutorials for the #header and
> #subnav - to float the
> menu elements left and right. Is there a cleaner way to achieve this other
> than to apply a class to
> *every* <li> tag?

The most powerful way to achieve this (but not supported by IE) would be to
use adjacent sibling selectors so no classes were used at all. For example:

#subnav ul li, #subnav ul li + li { background: yellow; }
#subnav ul li + li + li, #subnav ul li + li + li + li { background: green; }

> 3. Disabling styles in the browser provides three (3) separate lists
> comprising #header, #mainnav
> and #subnav *without* any explanation or visual hierarchy (obviously). Is
> there a better way of
> making it easier for someone without css (eg Netscape 4 users) or text readers
> etc to differentiate
> between these navigational elements?

Yes, there is definitely ways to help users understand your lists. You can
place hn elements before each list with descriptive headings, then hide
these headings from browsers that support css.

For example: 

<h2 class="descriptive-only">
    Main Site sections
<div id="mainnav">

<h2 class="descriptive-only">
    Shopping tools
<div id="subnav">

These could then be hidden with a CSS rule along the lines of:
.descriptive-only { position: absolute; left: -999px; width: 990px;}


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