Hi Alan,

Both <span class="red"> and <span style="color:#f00"> are "bad". How about 
BBtags this:


then you use this markup:

<em class="important">
<em class="hightlight">


Alan Trick wrote:
> I'm implementing some BBtag-like things on my webste though, and it
> semes to make more sense to have something like [red] create a <span
> style='color:#f00'></span> instead of a <span class='red'></span> and
> have a whole bunch of unnecesary styles, and if I want to allow
> something like [span style='color:#123'], that is quite difficult to do
> via classes and external/internal css.
> The only other place I've used it is when I want to randomly generate a
> background-image or something, but that probably better doen with
> internal css
> Alan Trick
> Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>>>> I just found you that the style attribute is depreciated
>>>> in xhtml 1.1. Does this  mean that it will eventually be
>>>> obolete?
>> It depends on what you mean by "obolete". Deprecated means that it's
>> part of the spec but the construct is outdated and its use is strongly
>> discouraged. The next version of XHTML is 2.0 which won't get wide
>> acceptance for 5 to 10 years. It's in Working Draft status. In it, the
>> "style" is not flagged "deprecated" but that can change. Here is what
>> the spec says:
>> Note: use of the style attribute is strongly discouraged in favor of
>> the style element and external style sheets. In addition, content
>> developers are advised to avoid use of the style attribute on content
>> intended for use on small devices, since those devices may not support
>> the use of in-line styles.
>> Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-styleAttribute.html
>>>> If so, what do they expect us to do for inline
>>>> styles because it doesn't always make sense to have everything in an
>>>> external style sheet.
>> Can you provide some example of how you want to use inline formatting?
>> Regards,
>> -Vlad
>> http://xstandard.com
>> Alan Trick wrote:
>>> I just found you that the style attribute is depreciated in xhtml
>>> 1.1. Does this  mean that it will eventually be obolete? If so, what
>>> do they expect us to do for inline styles because it doesn't always
>>> make sense to have everything in an external style sheet.
>>> Alan Trick
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