
I'm finding a great value in reading the w3c specs while working on a
current project. A few other resources are also helping me advance my
understanding of XHTML/CSS: the book 'The Zen of CSS Design', and several other websites. Looking at work from other
developers and this list is also helping a lot. I often copy code posted
here into files and reverse-engineer it to see why something works
and/or what breaks it. 

The time spent is definately proving worthwhile. My code is becoming
even more logical and much cleaner than before. I take a lot less
shortcuts and usually end up replacing old shortcuts with newer, more
compliant ones. The specs are solidifying my understanding of what
'compliance' is...

Mind you, I haven't read them front to back. Just whatever applies at
the time or what interests me. 


On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 09:25 -0800, Chris Kennon wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a value in reading the XHTML w3org specifications? What would 
> be more productive in advancing understanding of XHTML/CSS?
> CK
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