Hi Stevio,

P7 min width extension would work just fine or this one http://www.doxdesk.com/software/js/minmax.html

I don't know which one works best. Maybe min max is a bit more flexible.


Stevio wrote:

Interesting, interesting. I how have a left column with a percentage width, and a right column without a width.

The wrap div surrounding everything has a width of 92%. So far it's working quite well.

Now I want to handle the problem of the page being resized to a narrow width which causes the right column div to jump below the left floated column. I don't want this.

What would you advise? Use the min-width property, along with the PVII Set Min Width extension?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kim Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 2:27 PM Subject: Re: [WSG] Simple 2 column layout?


How about *not* giving the second col a width (the one that is not in fixed width)


Trusz, Andrew wrote:

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Stevio
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:08 PM
To: Web Standards Group
Subject: Re: [WSG] Simple 2 column layout?

Thanks for that, getting those widths right always annoys me cause the box
model doesn't work right!

To expand on the simple 2 column layout, how can I have a fixed width left
column (for navigation) and a right column that fills the rest of the space.

This is achieved in tables by setting the left cell to, for example, 150
width, and the right column to 100%.



There's a conceptual issue here. The point of styling with css is to get out
of the box of one's own monitor and to style for the range of devices
available to users. That's users not authors.

The only way to do this is to maximize flexibility. This is where the "ease"
of tables fails. Set a pixel fixed width for a left cell, let the right cell
fill the screen. Now increase the screen resolution. The amount of real
estate to fill in the right cell just increased dramatically. Go the other
way, keep decreasing the screen width to a cell phone or pda. The screen
real estate is gobbled up by the fixed with left cell and the right cell an
undecipherable sliver.
Start to change font size and it just gets worse. The fixed width left cell
disintegrates. The right cell holds coherency longer. Overall, it just
doesn't work well.

Percentages offer a partial solution. At lower resolutions a percentage
based column setup holds up pretty much down to the single word width, a bit
longer than may actually be useful. For higher resolutions, the single line
column problem doubles with both cells being single lines with the added
possibility of a lot of real estate separating the end of one text grouping
and the beginning of the other.
Font size, however, starts to cause the same kinds of problems. Huge,
gigantic letters breaking out all over.
Fixing the right cell size only compounds the problem.

That leaves em's for sizing. One can set a width for either or both columns
which will better withstand resolution and font changes in both directions.
The problem is how big is an em? It's really such a flexible measure that it
makes people uncomfortable. How many em to a line? What looks good on
changes of screen resolution can frankly look a little flakey and shabby on
different monitors with the same resolution. It does look slightly odd when
the header graphic is off center a tiny bit. This leads to discussions of
being a pixel or two off on header positions etc. Although designing for
slightly less than viewport maximum will fix most all of that by compacting
the design.

So you want 2 simple columns? Then make 2 columns. Float both of them. Left
or right, determined by whichever content you want to come first in the
code. Float them because then they are columns not a float sitting on a wide
margined normal flowed element. Fix their width with em to maximize
durability and usability.
And this is where the box model shines. It's just the sum of seven
components: 1 content, 2 paddings, 2 borders, and 2 margins, side to side
and up and down, all constrained by the width of the container, if any.
Change those factors and one changes the appearance of the columns without
compromising the content or the accessibility of the content.
And that's the beauty of css for styling. Allows both users and authors to
separately control how pretty the picture is; once the authors learn to let
trust users. Brilliant design actually.
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