On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:01:23 +0100, Gizax Studios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
can you please review http://www.gizax.it ?
Thanks in advance
XP_SP2 IE6.0/FF1.0.1/Opera7.54u2
(Italian version)
Nice, clean site, Daniel.
A few little things you may want to consider.
Looks fine in Opera, but pop-ups are blocked so couldn't see the enlargements of the photos.
In FF, the top banner text, and the text in the h-menu break on the 2nd zoom click..
In IE the last link in the h-menu (IT w3c tips) winds up under "About" on zoom.
Works fine in IE "accessibility mode," including at text-size "largest."
Read, and worked well in Lynx.

de gustibus non est disputandum

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