designer wrote:

Hi all,

I notice a bug in Firefox (I think it is, anyway) which shows itself as a
2-3 pixel gap appearing in the bottom border of an image when the viewport
is altered by scrolling with the mouse wheel. It doesn't affect all the
images (strange) only some, and the image must be outside the viewport
before scrolling.  In other words, an image which is near the top of the
'page' must be scrolled off the page and back on again for the effect to
happen. Conversely, images which are low down the page (and hence, below the
viewport) appear with the gap on mouse scrolling down.

I've googled, and there does seem to be stuff out there about mouse
scrolling and Firefox, but the refs seem to relate to Firefox 0.8 and the
comments are a bit chaotic to say the least. I was hoping that one of you
wizards would know about this, know if there was a fix, or know if the new
Firefox has fixed it?

You can see the effect by looking at:  - I'm using Firefox 1.0,

Many thanks for any help.

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

P.S. Not often that Firefox is 'wrong' and IE 'right' ! :-)

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I've seen this happen when I scroll the page during downloading of a large image. I'm on a dial-up and if the image is large enough for me to watch it render, if I scroll the page while the image is still downloading, I may see gaps in the image. The gaps may stay there after the image has completed downloading, but, if I scroll it off the screen and back on, the whole image will be there.

I'm not sure Id call this a bug. It's a feature. :-)


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