On 28/3/05 11:21 AM, "Scott Limmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Place each image/caption combination inside a div and float both of them
> to the left. As long as the combined width of the two divs isn't greater
> than the width of the parent element they should appear next to each
> other without any troubles.

Works like a charm! Thanks for that. I had tried two different approaches
that just wouldn't work. I've had to add, however, an empty div with a
"clear: both" after the photos to prevent the following paragraphs of text
from creeping into any leftover space to the right of the photos.

> As a side note I'd suggest doing your captions differently also. Rather
> than using a em/strong tag on every caption place it in a span with a
> class. Then apply the styles to that class. That way you don't have to
> write em/strong everytime you have a caption, and you can change the
> look of all captions easily if the need arise.

Thanks for this suggestion. I've actually put the definition for the
captions as part of the definition for the image div so that it
automatically formats the captions as I type without having to use a span.
(I've also dropped the em tag as, at least on the Windows machines I have,
italic is rendered very jaggedly even though on my old Mac it looks
beautiful -- but at least 99% of the client's customers seem to be using
Windows, so it's got to look good for them!)

Thanks for your help!

Hope Stewart

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