Untitled DocumentHi all,

A little off-topic, but after a look around the internet I've come up blank:

I'm trying to lump the popularity of websites into groups based on the total number of page views per month, and also learn the peak rate of page views per hour.

E.g. a standard banking website in New Zealand might recieve 15 million page views per month, which is around 27,000 page views an hour (if you decided 6 hours a night were idle), but in lunch times, that rate might be more like 50,000, etc.

I imagine in New Zealand it would be groups such as 10M+, 1-10M, 50k-1M that would be--it would be interesting to learn the quantity and general examples of websites in those categories. Finally, it would be useful to learn how much higher than average the 'peak hour' is.

Does anyone have resources or information on this; Australiasian would be most useful but other areas would atleast give me ideas!


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