Hi all,

I don't actually believe that CSS styling will make any difference to search 
engine ranking.
These robots spend enough time trawling through the HTML content.
It would be time wasted to cross reference the content against: visibility, 
display, colours used, z-index and positioning.

I recently thought I had a holding page barred for unintentional content 
stuffing / hiding.
On asking Google it turns out it wasn't, just ranked low (lack of links I 
presume) appearing at 20 and 27.

The 'hiding' methods used were colour and positioning.
The intent was for styled text to display when Flash wasn't available 

My point is if this page wasn't barred then I think it incredibly unlikely that 
other hiding techniques would be.

Does anyone actually know of a page barred, blacklisted or banned by Google?
I somehow doubt they ever do. 
Something to do with possible litigation if they are incorrect in their 

These are just my thoughts on the matter and are in no way conclusive.

mike 2k:)2

 Mike Foskett 
 Web Standards, Accessibility & Testing Consultant
 Multimedia Publishing and Production 
 British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) 
 Milburn Hill Road, Science Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ 
 Tel:  02476 416994  Ext 3342 [Tuesday - Thursday]
 Fax: 02476 411410 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Livingston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 March 2005 19:56
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Hidden Content

>So you're using one practice to compensate for another bad practice...
>If your site is entirely in Flash - well, too bad. It shouldn't be.


Flash actually is searchable. There's even a 
search SDK for search engines. It's also 
accessible, with tab order/indexing, etc.

If your site is entirely Flash, it _is_ a good 
idea to have an (X)HTML-based alternative for 
those who don't have, or won't install, the 
plug-in (the number of which is declining daily). 
If this is the case, a link to it (like in the 
footer) will allow even better spidering by 
search engines.

2¢ deposited...

Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Media Logic
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