Piero Fissore schrieb:

... If you visit www.immaginecreativa.it/unipn with Firefox (Mozilla,
Netscape, Opera, Safari or other GOOD browser) you can see beautiful
pictures on the top of the page, under the principal navigation menu.

If you visit that site with IE, those images won't be loaded! ...

Not at all. If you click on one of the button on the very bottom of
the page, you'll reach the help section: wow, the picture is loaded!

What's this??? Did I make mistakes in the css

I don't think there is a mistake in the CSS. If you'd switch the order of #siteslogan.s0 {... #siteslogan.s1 {... to #siteslogan.s1 {... #siteslogan.s0 {...

you'll see the missing picture on your chisiamo-page (.s1), but not on the help pages (.s0) anymore, sigh.

So IE6 has a problem with these multiple classes/id's on one element.

<h2 id="siteslogan" class="s1">
<h3 id="doctitle" class="s1">

Sorry, I don't see a direct fix here, but maybe I'm just missing the point.

I use the page reference on the body element (#page_nr and .section, i.e. <body id="p3" class="help"> for the third help page, and I avoid direct combination in rules: no #p3 .help {...} here.)

In your situation, this will be something like

.s0 #siteslogan {...
.s1 #siteslogan {...
.s2 #siteslogan {...

.s1 #doctitle {...
.s2 #doctitle {...

<body class="s1">
<h2 id="siteslogan">
<h3 id="doctitle">

the advantage is that
1) you have to state the reference only once in the <body>
2) you can avoid multiple references for IE.
3) you can simple use the same navigation on every page

At the moment, you have to apply a class="sel" for the navigation tab.

<li><a class="sel"> ...

so every page has to get another navigation <ul> (ok, not a problem with php)

with the reference on <body> and the same navigation on every page:
<li><a id="tab1"> ...
<li><a id="tab2"> ...
<li><a id="tab3"> ...

it's possible to define one rule that matches for a specific page:
.s1 #tab1, .s2 #tab2, .s3 #tab3 {background: red;}

hth, Ingo

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