Thank you everyone! The conflict solved after I change it to class.

> your english is great. even those of us that grew up on the language
> abuse it with regularity.

Diona, I was just being lame ;) Once I get myself comfortable in this list,
I probably will make no apology for my English lol.
> my only confusion comes from perhaps the 'persistent page indicator'.
> i'm not sure how this second definition is only triggered when a user
> visits the home page...irregardless, when the page loads, the css
> element definition loads and this is defining an element twice. this
> would be fine were it a 'class' element as opposed to an 'id' because a
> 'class' can be defined numerous times. however, an 'id' can only be
> defined once according to spec. here you're defining it twice.
I learned  'persistent page indicator' from here:

It's something similar to the link Jachin provided:


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