Hi guys,

Working on a site for a client, and having trouble figuring out a few

1/ The navigation buttons are currently text links sitting on top of
backgrounds. I'm having trouble getting them to centre nicely though. If
someone could have a look and give me some ideas of how I can make
everything line up nicely, it would be greatly appreciated.

2/ There's supposed to be a gap at the bottom of the page, allowing some of
the background to show through under the white panel. It works fine in IE,
but not in Mozilla (both on PC) which wasn't the result I was expecting. I'm
not sure what I've done wrong, and have spent some time tinkering with it,
but can't seem to get them both to play ball. If someone can have a look and
tell me what I'm doing wrong here, it would be greatly appreciated.

The page can be found for now at:

Style Sheet can be found at:



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