On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 00:02:52 +0100, Dmitry Baranovskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have developed some projects on SVG
(http://siter.com.au/dmitry/Pie/pie.html ,
http://siter.com.au/dmitry/Composer/Composer.html ,
http://siter.com.au/dmitry/MaxControl/index.html , etc.) It is very
powerfull thing, but there are few companies that interested in SVG
development. Flash rules, dispite that SVG is standard.

I'm using Opera 8b3, which has SVG1.1 Tiny support built-in, but on your site I only see empty boxes marked "Plug-in content".

That might be because you're using <embed> instead of <object>
and serve .svg as text/plain, not image/svg+xml...
or maybe Opera's SVG support isn't mature enough yet...

regards, Kornel Lesiński

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