> Zulema wrote:
> ps: butterflies in my stomach means that my tummy gets grumbly as if
> hungry but it's from being nervous; it's a common saying in the
> As far as it being an in-code joke? No, at least i don't think so :-p

Nick was referring to you use of 'butterfiles'. Butterflies is also a
common phrase in Aus.

Glad to hear the presentation went over well, I was keen to hear what
the response would be like.

I wish more teachers were passionate about web standards. After almost
two yrs of promoting the use of CSS for layout to a local web design
teacher (without much success), an introduction to W3C standards was
introduced into the curriculum, which gave me the chance to quote W3C
regarding the use of tables for layout. It was well received, to the
extent he emailed other teachers in the faculty, stating his previous
methods of design was not the best/right way, encouraging them all to
learn about the W3C standards, only one of five teachers responded (I
not a web design student just a friend)

I'm not saying I would be a better person for the job, but that
education is extremely important, teaching these fundamental techniques
right from the start deserves all the praise it can get.


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