Hi Chris,

Is there an article of chart outlining subtractions from design dimensions for browser chrome and optional bars. My current design is 800x600 for centering horizontally. Intuition begs some appearance of a horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar on some UA. I'm aware these will appear in Browser Cam, but was hoping for a preventative approach. I've goggled, perhaps asking the wrong question. Would some knowledgeable colleague assist?

We have a minimum available screen size by monitor dimension chart as part of our glossary [1] (as part of an entry on the concepts of "above the fold"). Our entry includes a 'screen-guide': a background image you can use to resize your browser window to emulate the minimum visible screen size, i.e. assuming all browser elements and systems menubars are displayed. Note that the figures used are based on a Webmonkey article: Sizing up the browsers [2]. Although browsers have changed since 1999-2000 the trend seems to be toward less rather than more chrome, so should still be a useful starting point.

[1] < http://www.motive.co.nz/glossary/fold.php  >
[2] < http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/99/41/index3a_page2.html?tw=design >


Andy Kirkwood
Motive | web.design.integrity
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