
The first thing you should do, and it's probably a topic for project
decision maker/manager is to ask the question... "if we need a skip
link then is the "intro" useful in the first place?".
If the intro describes the company somehow then serve the homepage and
provide a link to the flash piece on that page. This will solve all
your problems for everyone, not just screen reader users.
Plenty of resources on this topic somewhere on the web and is probably
outside the WSG list scope.

That said, my thoughts would be on a skip intro - 
*stick the link in plain text at the start of the document so that
everyone can hit it if they want.
*set a cookie on the user, read it when they come back and serve the
real home page by sending a Location: header to the browser.

As a developer I'd personally do what I describe in the first
paragraph (make take some selling though)


PS don't put skip links in the flash move... ! don't laugh .. it has been done!

On 4/16/05, Lisa B. McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm wondering if a site would be more accessible if the flash intro (never
> mind how it's a bad idea to have a flash intro!) skipped automatically if
> the viewer had seen the intro before.  I'm also wondering if I could detect
> browser for the sight impaired and skip the intro then too.
> I'm new to javascript and flash too so any comments (directly is fine) are
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Lisa
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