Thanks to everyone who's responded so far. This in particular from Philippe seems to have fixed the immediate problem:

For both FF and Safari, it might help if you specify 'Lucida Grande' as the first font-family (sans-serif). I'm not aware of any trick for sans-serif. And using shorthand (font: bold 1em/1.3 'lucida grande', verdana, sans-serif).

I think you meant "I'm not aware of any trick for serif" in the middle there?

Despite the fact that these problems exist, I think it's still better to use Unicode, that being the standard, rather than any hacky windows-vietnamese-encoding, hope-for-special-fonts solution. I'll sleep better at night this way*. But perhaps I should put a link somewhere along the lines of "This site uses Unicode, if you're having problems..."

[* Funny how Buddhism and web development go together, isn't it? Number 5 on the Eightfold Path is that one should "earn one's living in a righteous way".]
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