Hi all,
I've noticed that many of you are using a container ID as a "named anchor"
(to create a "skip nav" for example), but I'm not sure if you're all aware
that this creates an accessibility issue: the user can jump to the location,
but is unable to tab past it.

Also, I've found that most of the techniques work when it comes to the
jumping part, but making sure tabbing navigation is not disturbed is not
that simple.
For example it appears that <a name="content"></a> is not bullet proof while
<a href="#" name="content"></a> is.
I've also noticed that if one uses display:none to style a named anchor,
MSIE can't find its location (FF seems to be OK with it).
One last thing: for the UA, case is not an issue, so a jump link (#content)
would work, but tabbing navigation would fail if the anchor named "content"
is contained in a DIV named "CONTENT".

Anybody knows why empty anchors are not 100% reliable when it comes to
tabbing navigation? I just can't figure it out...

Thierry | http://www.TJKDesign.com

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