Hope Stewart wrote:

What, if any, are the advantages and/or disadvantages of (1) floating
 neither column compared to (2) floating one column? Sample CSS:


Absolute positioning of larger parts of a page, is *not* recommended. Only elements with fixed dimensions, in an environment of fixed dimensions, are somewhat safe for AP. Uncontrolled overlapping is the biggest problem, often causing ugly and inaccessible pages.

Absolute positioning are best used only for small parts that don't rely
on font-size and amount of content for their dimensions.

Floats will interact with, and adjust to, the environment, and the
environment will adjust to floats -- as long as there are no AP-elements
involved that aren't controlled by the floats themselves (complex matter).

Floats can be made to "walk" in and out of the flow, so floats can often
be made to behave like AP-elements, without the negative effects
(another complex matter, involving negative margins)

A simple combination of floats and non-positioned flow is the safest
control-method for layout. A two-column is easy to make stable with 2
floats, and a three-column is easy to make stable with 3 floats or a
combination of 2 floats and flow.

My preference is to float all major parts of just about any page, and
use AP for positioning small parts from within the floats.

Your hypotetical 2-column float has a CSS-flaw.
'left: 10px;' and 'right: 10px;' can't be used for floats.
Use 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' instead.

Look at this page for ideas:

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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