Drake, Ted C. schrieb:
I keep finding a solution in adding height:1% to various elements.
This seems like a temporary fix. Can someone explain to me why the height:1%
is needed and why it could sometimes cause background images to not display?

height:1% will affect other browser too, say IEMac. So you should hide it from others, this is the Holly hack (described here http://positioniseverything.net/explorer/escape-floats.html).

/* \*/
* html .layouted { height:1%;}
/* */

and you can assign this height to any element you want

<div class="insidefloat layouted">


That question /why/.

Note that the documentation does not explain it. We have to guess.

Assume the term "hasLayout" indicates a change in a /quality/ of an element. Some bugs do exist due to the presence of elements which have layout, more bugs due to the presence of elements that don't have layout, and most bugs in the interaction of both. Some IE6 bugs can be fixed via the Holly hack. This hack triggers an element to have layout.

This is not answering anything. My last rant about having layout can be found here:
But I cannot seriously recommend to have a read. It isn't answering anything either.

Better forget that question /why/ for the time being and concentrate on the question /how/.

The http://positioniseverything.net is full of descriptions /how/ you can fix IE6.


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