
I am in a conundrum at the moment and dont know which right is legally stronger out of attribution VS disclosure

attribution = the right to be identified as the creator of material (ie: my right)

disclosure = the right to determine if and when material is made public (right of the companies I've subcontracted for)

Background: I do a lot of sub-contractual work, mainly using web standards eg: converting invalid code to standards compliant code, advising developers how to improve their practices, working from a photoshop template to create an XHTML/CSS template etc

My problem is when I am being interviewed for a new contract postion, interviewers ask for "concrete examples this very second of which websites I've worked on recently" through my sub-contracting work.

They say eg: "Anyone can say they worked for ExampleCorp & GenericITagency, we want specific URL's of your work to see what you can do"

So far I've stonewalled and said they're free to call "ExampleCorp & GenericITagency" to confirm I've done work for them, but Im not sure im legally allowed to reveal specific URL's. They respond saying other interviewees are willing to reveal details so I should too, and I end up disadvantaged :-(

Ironically I wouldnt be surprised if these same companies looking for contractors make their staff sign NDA's prohibiting them from mentioning what they have done to a new employer!

Since this is Possibly OT, I'd appreciate any responses (with emphasis on Australian experience) to be sent directly to my email address and therefore not offend the moderators


Neerav Bhatt

Need a Sydney based web standards contractor? You need my services.
Recent projects for Glassonion, Freshweb, Cogentis, Ceneka ...

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