On 14-May-05 13:47, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

> Chris Stratford wrote:
>> #1 - anchors - when I have a SKIP TO CONTENT link. It doesn't like
>> the NAME I have given the <a>... Isn't this the only *proper* way
>> of anchoring inside the page???
> The proper way in XHTML is using fragment identifiers: giving an ID
> to an element, and linking to that, e.g.
> <a href="#content">go to content</a>
> ...
> <div id="content"> ...

Does this also apply to HTML 4.01 Strict?

I guess my actual question is: "What is the proper way of coding
'#anchor-name' links in HTML 4.01 Strict?"
Thomas Ditmars    zarggg [at] zarggg [dot] net   KeyID: 0x2FAAE151
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