On 31 May 2005, at 10:42 pm, kemie guaida wrote:

I was sure that there was some major browser not implementing display:inline-block, but in a quick test firefox 1.03, Opera 7 &8 and even IE 6 are interpreting it correctly.I have yet to test on a mac, but that would seem to cover a lot of users. Anything I'm missing? Any recent documentation on browser support?

Firefox (Gecko)  does **not** support display:inline-block [1][2].

IE win and IE Mac, Safari, Opera do support this more or less, with best support coming from Safari, followed by Opera and IE Mac. IE Win only supports it reasonably on elements 'whose natural display is inline' to quote from a MS document.

[1] sometimes display: -moz-inline-box is an alternative. Sometimes.
[2] bug <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9458>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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