
Quick question, I have a client with lots of HTML file that
 have inline CSS. (Over 300 docs) I am looking for some
 software, or way, that will export this inline css into a
 external css file. Or even just move it into a embedded style sheet.

Replacing the styles (whether style blocks in the head of the documents or inline as attributes) will be difficult.

Removing them should be simple could be done with Macromedia Dreamweaver. It can go through a whole site, find all elements with a style attribute, and remove the attribute.

If each doc has a style element in the head section, you could use the same method to replace it to use an imported style sheet.

Biggest question is: how consistent is the site's layout? Will it work with an overall style sheet or two?

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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