Hi Vaska,

> Am I allowed to ask about non-CSS things here?

WSG is not just a CSS list. Your question is entirely appropriate as it is
dealing with firm Web Standards.

> In particular, I'm trying to deal with how to handle inputs
> of Chinese
> characters via some forms.  What I'm wondering is...

One thing you need to watch is what the application or web server is
expecting from the form. In ColdFusion MX there are times when you have to
tell the ColdFusion server to expect a certain encoding from form posts.

E.g. <cfscript>setencoding("form", "UTF-8");</cfscript>

I don't know whether PHP and other server-side languages have this need or
whether they work it out themselves. Not that I want to start that
discussion here (as server-side technology is off topic) but as a concept,
it may well be part of the problem and I just wanted to add it to your debug


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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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