Hi Vaska, as the w3c links Anders provided, it can. However I will be very
skeptical to using it as obviously browsers are not advance enough to handle
it, but then it maybe the server issue too. Sorry, I am too ignorant on this
matter to tell  you anything more.

I did a test on Safari, FF, IE and Opera by entering domain in Chinese, only
FF picks up the address. Wonder how it works on PC browsers.
You may like to try:
Simplified Chinese sites:
A Chinese famous seach engine <baidu.com> = 百度
Or this <163.com> = 易网
Ebay China <ebay.com.cn> = 易趣

Traditional sites:
<tw.yahoo.com> = 奇摩
<yam.com> = 蕃薯藤

These are domains but the one Anders provided does have a path in Japanese
character, and it works in FF.


> Reply-To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 21:32:08 +0200
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: Re: [WSG] problem with utf-8 page encoding
> tee, or really any Chinese person on this list,
> one thing that I've been cuious about is how do you deal with creating
> urls.  this could sound extremely naive and i'm sorry for that.  it's
> my understanding that use of latin1 characters only is allowed to make
> a url...or create folders etc...
> http://www.this-is-latin1-text.com/and-this-is-a-folder/and-this-is-a-
> filename.php
> this wouldn't be possible...
> http://www.定会利用此次选秀.com/定会利用此次选秀/定会利用此次选秀.php
> i've been having to find a way to deal with this issue and so far i've
> only come up with workarounds that just don't seem very user-friendly.
> i was looking at conversion maps but it became a completely crazy
> exercise...
> v

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