Yes, this would be great. I live in Canada, and being a student and all,
I don't have the time, nor the money to visit Australia. If some one
could release audio tapes or something, it'd be much appreciated. :)

Alan Trick

Cole Kuryakin - x7m wrote:

> Man, oh man, would I love to attend some (pretty much all) of the
> meetings, seminars and discussions being hosted/held by WSG - but they
> seem to all be in Sydney.
> I live in the backwaters of the Philippines and am too broke to travel
> to these meetings and I really feel like I'm missing out on a lot of
> good stuff - not to mention networking and getting to know other
> professionals in my field.
> Aside from the networking/getting to know issue, is there anyway that
> "the rest of us" can read abstracts or important details from these
> meetings - like maybe on the WSG site?
> Once again, if I had the cash and ability to travel, I'd be one of the
> first people in line to pay the price of admission.
> Since this isn't the case for me - and I'm sure many other WSG
> "members", is there any way or plan to share this wealth of
> information and expertise with the rest of us?
> Cole 

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