On 19 Jun 2005, at 2:00 pm, Chris Stratford wrote:

I still see the errors - should I use Absolute values (px, not em) to define my margin/padding on those lists?
Would that fix the problem?

I guess using px for padding/margin/border will improve the situation, as does using line-height:normal on the li (?, not sure in your case, could be on the <a>). You might still see some rounding errors, due to the font-size, if the computed value is not a round number. Those two fixes will minimise the problem however.

Using a background-image to simulate your border, instead of using the border-property, is another fix that has been mentioned on CSS-D once.

As I said, I don't see the problem at all on my nightly build at various zoom levels. Lots of work has gone in some of those rendering issues (rounding errors).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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