Here the problem though:
I want to display a couple of icons infront of each of the folders (Edit,
Delete, ...). So my list actually looks like this:

- Edit Delete Folder One
  - Edit Delete Subfolder One
  - Edit Delete Subfolder Two
- Edit Delete Folder Two
- Edit Delete Folder Three

I've cobbled together this:

The links are after, instead of before, but under the li text for consistent columnar presentation; an off-left "skip" link jumps you to the next list item. In this way, the text of the list item is read, then you can jump over the edit/delete stuff. Not sure about the wisdom of adding one link to skip two, but if you had more than two ("edit, delete, verify, reorder, inquire, rename, foo, bar...") it might be good.

I think that by forcing your links before the text you're hobbling yourself.


        Ben Curtis : webwright
        bivia : a personal web studio
        v: (818) 507-6613

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