On Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:22pm, Roberto Gorjão wrote:
>I really think, in my very humble opinion, that it's hard to make a website
>to function in IE 5.0, unless my "multiple IE" testing method provides me with
> <snip> 
>It's a shame that the @import doesn't hide styles from these versions
>of IE. It would make things a lot easier... 

If you do an @import with the following syntax (single quotes, no parethesis), 
IE5.5 and up get the file, but IE5 doesn't.


My newest method is to include a link to a style sheet called 'filter.css.'  
Then all the filter.css file has is the @import statement above.  That way only 
modern browsers (and IE5.5 and up) see the style sheet.  Other browsers will 
just get the unstyled markup.

You may want to find out the percentage of your audience that's using those 
older browsers.  For my sites, I find it's so low I don't worry about it.

 - Jonathan

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