On 29 Jun 2005, at 7:23 AM, Bruce Gilbert wrote:

I am having a devil of a time trying to fix a problem with page not
aligning correctly width wise in IE on the PC.

If you are on IE on the PC and go to
http://www.inspired-evolution.com/Hireme.php you will see what I mean.

The dark blue area to the right of 'hire me' has extra padding or
something wich make it extend on the right beyond the header and top

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, add

div { border: 1px solid #f00 ; }

to your css file and view the results. You'll see that your div#breadcrumbs is the culprit - width+padding exceeds the width of the containing div, and pushes out to the right. IE6 is rendering this such that the div#main_content is stretching with it.

The fix? Not sure; I've only time to locate the problem. Try adding padding-left to Breadcrumbs > Home link instead of to the enclosing div; or reduce the width of div#breadcrumbs.


Omnivision. Websight.

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