Hi there,

> what are you guys using as a base css file to start a site with common hacks
> and what not?

These days I invariably kick off with the global whitespace reset (hi
Andrew!) http://leftjustified.net/journal/2004/10/19/global-ws-reset/
...and some controlled whitespace settings.

If I know the base font I'll set that and some default colours, then
set a % text size in the body {}, to avoid any font-size setting
smaller than 1em. I set the font early since different fonts have such
different alphabet lengths and apparent sizes.

If I expect a lot of edits/versions I'll add a comment at the start
with a name/description, version number and date. That does mean I
need to remember to increment the version later, but if you have that
mindset it really isn't hard.

After that it depends on the job, really. I've found the whitespace
reset notably reduces the number of hacks you need to use, though
(assuming of course that you use % and EM for all size settings).



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