Nathan Rutman schrieb:
>> Whenever a background is disappearing, try to give layout to the parent of the element via the Holly hack.

What does that mean? You want to give a height:0 to the parent element? I don't get it...

Holly Bergevin's hack is described in detail here:

The intention of this hack is not to give whatever height to the container, but to let the block gain "layout". "Layout" can only be described roughly as a IE-Win proprietary undocumented concept to establish a rectangular rendering entity that is responsible for drawing its own content.

Explorer's "dimensional" bugs are related to the presence or absence of "layout":

Note: I don't know if this hack fixes the bug in tee's page, it does on a local simplified copy, though.

You mentioned the dependence on some characters more or less, and I can confirm this. Sometimes these characters more or less shift the wrapping of the content just by some microns, i.e. lines do not end with italicised content, or the wrapping content next to a float leaves a single line blank near to the last "bottom line" of the float, and so on. Or a tight fitting of the related containers induces more problems like duplicated last characters.

Would be interesting to see your minimalized bug test page.

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