Grant replies:
Well, no. MathML by its nature is not purely for the visual register.
And no - we should not have to realign a complex formula if the
materials merit it because what we are doing then is making the content
less accessible/comprehensible for many people to allow it to be equally
accessible to all. If breaking the formula up into little chunks makes
comprehension harder for the vast majority of people then we should not
do it and I do not agree with your assertion that breaking a complex
formula will make it more understandable - it may in fact undermine the
learning. In most learning materials complexity builds throughout the

Breaking the formula into smaller chunks made it easier for all learners to comprehend (not stated explicitly in the paper, but mentioned at the conference).

We should be very wary of dumbing down content in the name of
accessibility. Accessibility is a continuum not an absolute and we often
have to make judgement calls that balance the interests of one group of
people against another. Equally accessible doesn't exist. As accessible
as possible is a fine aim.

I'm not saying we should change the formula or dumb it down. The information inherent in the equation remains the same, but as with many aspects of accessibility, by transforming it we can make it easier for everyone.

For me accessibility starts before we create the content, not after. I'm not saying it's easy, but my experience has been that accessible design from the ground up results in better content, not worse.



Damian Sweeney
Learning Skills Adviser (online)
Language and Learning Skills Unit
Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
Equity, Language and Learning Programs
University of Melbourne
723 Swanston St
Parkville 3010
ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039

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