On 7/15/05, David Pietersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We all do, really.  I am at home, and don't have the research here, but
> current statistics show that 97.4% of all devices accessing web content are
> running on Windows.  Every one of these machines has IE on it.  Really, are
> we mad to develop for anything else?  Discuss. 

Windows and Microsoft is a touchy subject for some people at the best
of times. The numbers speak for themselves really (well, after you
subtract Windows 98/NT/2000 and CE-based operating systems it may be
something like <randomfigure>60%</randomfigure>, but in saying that,
it all depends on your target market.

If you're making websites using (X)HTML/CSS/JS and following web
standards then you aren't targetting a specific OS/platform/user-agent
- and that's what web standards are all about. You build things
according to standards so that you aren't tied to
OS/platform/user-agent X, thus (hopefully) making your site accessible
as possible.

The difference is when you are purposefully targetting an
/application/ to a specific group of people who are known to run
platform X or user-agent X. In the case of Avalon development, we'll
have nice, new, powerful tools to create desktop or web-based
applications for the target audience who runs Windows XP and Longhorn.

But at the end of the day, web standards should be unphased by Avalons
arrival. Web sites will go on being web sites, and Avalon will open a
new market.

Just my 2c anyway :)
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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