And now, I'd like to turn the question around and ask everyone on this list what they'd like to see from the DSTF.

How much JavaScript do you know?

Minimal. I can read it enough to understand what a script is doing but I haven't written JavaScript from scratch yet.

What kind of things about DOM Scripting need clarifying?

Best practices, accessible JavaScript, graceful techniques for those UIs that have JS turned off.

Do you want to see examples of "cool stuff" with a kind of "DOM Scripting for dummies" style explanation or more sober articles with a more geeky leaning?

I like both...

Please share your personal experiences: what's your skill level with JavaScript compared to say, CSS or XHTML? What's your opinion of JavaScript?

I understand CSS/XHTML far better than I do JavaScript. I'm really new to JS, but more and more lately, I'm seeing that there can be some very useful things that JavaScript can do, after CSS/XHTML has hit the limit. JavaScript has its place, but if there's something that can be accomplished using CSS/XHTML, that should be the preferred option.

The answers you give will really, really help determine the direction that the Task Force takes.



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