
The following website uses a Javascript function and a target layer to
display a new image every time the page refreshes.


This works fine in IE browsers and in Firefox/Mozilla browsers it seems to
not display the images at all?

Anything I am doing wrong or any advice?
You're using MS proprietary Javascript (namely innerHTML). Either use the DOM or simplify things by putting a placeholder image (1x1 transparent gif stretched to desired dimensions?) into the html and changing its src attribute in your javascript. e.g. document.getElementById("randomimage").src=imageArray[picknum]; (and just put the file names and paths into the array)

Note: I haven't tested it, but it should work in theory (except in very old, pre DOM browsers)
Bert Doorn, Web Developer
Better Web Design

Regards --
Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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