
I'm trying to combine a CSS image rollover with a drop down menu. Everything is working fine bar the css image rollover.

For some reason the a:hover is not being read. I've probably missed something very simple but just can't see it.

Your HTML:
 <li><a id="Home" title="Home" href="index3.jsp"></a></li>

Your CSS:

 #Home a:hover {background: url(Menu.gif) no-repeat 0px -14px;}

That rule will be applied to a hovered link *inside* another element that has id="Home". However, in your HTML *the link itself* has that id.

To fix it, either put the id on the list item (li) or change the css to #Home:hover Same goes for the other links.

Hope this makes sense.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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